About Me

Since 2006 I have been practicing Yoga. Yoga became a part of my life when I was seeking ways to maintain a healthy Mind and Body battling stress. Stress of having Graves Disease, Stress of Being a Military Wife, and Mother away from family.

Unspoken stressors (suppression) affects us all, and is toxic. Mind, Body, and Soul you can’t heal one without healing the others. Yoga has taught me to take out the trash in my mind. Yes Old Habits, Old patterns, and treat my body as a temple. Ever heard the saying what one feels in your heart, you think in your thoughts, and speak out of your mouth. It is true, when we clear the toxicity out of our soul (heart), mind and body, we heal. Healing is inside out, we reflect on the outside what we feel on the inside. Transformation happens as we heal, it is a process, a practice on and off the mat. I have learned to respect my body, eat better and live better. Sowing that seed out into the world is an honor and privilege. I am humbled and grateful to serve the community.


You are Seen, You are Loved, You are Valued and Yes You are Capable.